Logo Design

How a customer defines and remembers your business becomes your brand

Creating a branding that is unforgettable means more business and customers. But how do you find these customers? You do this by integrating your brand strategies through your company at every point of public contact.

A strong branding is invaluable as the battle for customers becomes more intense in these days of over-saturation in industry; which means it’s more important that you create the right image for your brand. Just as you want loyalty in a consumer, the consumer wants a brand they can trust. A trustworthy brand is a foundation piece in your marketing communication and one you do not want to be without.

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Is a logo really that important?

On average, it takes between 5-7 brand impressions before someone will remember your brand.

This in itself should be reason enough to properly brand your business, yet we still get asked this question regularly. Regardless of the size of your business, consistent branding forms one of the most critical components of your marketing. How are your customers going to remember who you are without a way to immediately recall your business. A logo design that is eye-catching and more importantly makes sense to your potential customers is incredibly important.

Pantone Colour Chart

The importance of colour

Did you know colour can increase your brand recognition by up to 80%.

Consistent colour in branding is also very important. What do you think of when you think of McDonalds? The Golden Arches. What about Cadbury chocolate? Purple.. Did you know that Cadbury has actually trademarked the Pantone colour 2685C in Australia? That’s how important they felt the colour of their brand was.

The colour of your brand can be determined by a number of things, it might be due to extensive market research, the International Colour Symbolism chart or simply personal preference. We chose orange several years ago for a number of reasons. The international Colour Symbolism chart tells us that orange represents ‘energy, adventure and creativity’ in the Western world and ‘love, courage and happiness’ in the Eastern World which we felt were all attributes that Maximum Xposure possessed, however our main reason was our Dutch heritage. This goes to show, colour choice can really be a subjective decision but one that should not be taken lightly.